Hi, I'm thinking you're here because you have seen my video regarding this, in case not I'll briefly outline what I wanted and how I think I have resolved it!
You can find the YouTube here
I have created the video and this blog not for seasoned developers but for people like me that dabble, and just get by writing code. I hope it is useful to you, at least it may give you some ideas. Note that I have created this over the past 8 months, when I find a moment at work, often I completely forget where I got to, so sometimes it may not seem to flow!
What I needed In Microsoft Access I wanted a name and date/time stamp to be stored against a record on a button press. For the system to know that name I decided that it would need to know who was using it. I wanted a modicum amount of validation to that login. I couldn't find anything suitable on Access help websites, or on YouTube.
This blog details what I have created to do this. But it is important to note that I have not been able to test this on a multi-user basis as I have no network.
TabLogins - Status of logged in users and previous details of logins/logouts
TabUserType - Types of user to determine permissions
TabUsers - Recorded user names, passwords, user types and full name
FrmLogin - Form used to login
Unbound field for user name is named txtusername
Unbound field for PIN or password is named txtpassword
Log in Button is named ButtonLogin
Cancel Button is name ButtonCancel
FrmLogout - Form used to logout (note this is always open while logged in)
Unbound field is named TxtFullName
End Session button is named ButtonEnd
VBA code
Button named ButtonLogin on FrmLogin
Download file below
Button named ButtonCancel on FrmLogin
This has a Macro on event of button click to Close Window no further code
Button named ButtonEnd on FrmLogout
Download file below
On Load of form FrmLogout VBA as below
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me!TxtFullName = DLookup("IsLoggedIn", "tabLogins", "UserLogged = '" & LoggedInAs & "'")
FullNameLoggedInAs = Me!TxtFullName
End Sub
Public variables declared as below(make sure the dropdowns are set to General and Declarations
Public variable LoggedInAs stores the User Name (initials)
Public variable FullNameLoggedInAs stores the Full Name (this is what is displayed in the FrmLogout
I hope this is useful to you, if you have any questions or suggestions please comment!