One thing that may not rank as high as it should on your bikepacking or hiking gear list, could be your footwear.
Unless you're using a hand cycle, it is crucial that you take proper care of your feet before and whilst on your tour. It's miserable knowing you have great distances to cover and will be in pain every inch of the way. Here are some points to consider when selecting your bikepacking, backpacking or hiking footwear:
The terrain you will be riding (loose, surfaced, slippery, rocky, sandy, boggy)
The expected weather conditions
The expected temperatures
Pedal type
River crossings
Do you need boots or shoes
Comfort during hours of pedaling
Comfort during hours of pushing/walking, up/down steep, perhaps loose terrain
Any foot conditions or injuries you are nursing
Do you need an insole
Will the insole fit in your shoes
Can you wear thick/thin socks with the insole you need, in the shoes you want
How long are they likely to last and will you be able to replace them on the road
It is worth spending as much as you need to on this essential piece of kit, possibly you'll need to cut back on something else less important. Choose wisely!
Next time we will look at selecting the appropriate shoe

What footwear would you suggest for typical British weather? I.e., mostly dry but often wet and muddy.
Getting quite the writer Ange. Well done x