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Angela Hart
Aug 4, 201922 min read
Chapter 27: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Hospital to the UK
In the arid plains of the Sierra de Cazola, I had fallen heavily from my bike, and was somewhat dazed. The first thing I knew that I'd fall
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Angela Hart
Aug 1, 20198 min read
Chapter 26: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Sierra de Cazorla to Hospital
I was hoping to get to the village of Santiago Pontones by nightfall, I left the refugio at half nine, a lot later than I’d planned. By now
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Angela Hart
Jul 30, 20198 min read
Chapter 25: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Campo Camara to the Sierra de Cazorla
Soon the mountains to both sides of the camino becomes steeper and rockier with gorges and high cliffs all around. It was another good sign
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Angela Hart
Jul 29, 20195 min read
Chapter 24: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Baza to Campo Camara
I’m having an internal fight! I know I should wear my helmet whilst riding, but I often forget to put it back on, or can’t be bothered to as
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Angela Hart
Jul 28, 20198 min read
Chapter 23: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Sierra de Baza to Zujar
I woke up at my wildcamp at the Refugio Canaleja Alta, in the Sierra de Baza, at around 7am, the tent had got quite wet from, I think, only
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Angela Hart
Jul 27, 20198 min read
Chapter 22: Bikepacking the Altravesur-La Calahorra to the Sierra de Baza
Next up, crossing the Marquesado Plateau between La Calahorra and the Sierra de Baza. I wasn’t looking forward to this leg, I’d thought it w
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Angela Hart
Jul 25, 20197 min read
Chapter 21: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Bayarcal to La Calahorra
went to dab with my right foot, but nothing was there, it was a twenty foot drop down to a barranco. Me and Bay fell sideways down the
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Angela Hart
Jul 24, 201912 min read
Chapter 20: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Alcutar to above Bayarcal in the Sierra Nevada
The days off also gave me time to do shopping and prepare myself mentally for the return to being alone in the mountains. I was enjoying my
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Angela Hart
May 27, 20197 min read
Chapter 19: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Trevelez detouring to Alcutar
The terrain varied from very rocky and steep, to meadow with grazing cattle, to mountain springs wetting the soil making it a slippery uphil
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Angela Hart
May 26, 201912 min read
Chapter 18: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Pampaneira to Trevelez
Flies! Flies had been a problem the last few days when travelling slowly. They would congregate around my sweaty head and face, eventually y
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Angela Hart
May 26, 201910 min read
Chapter 17: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Niguelas to Pampaneira
So I’d ridden/pushed-up the mountain visible from Nigϋelas, to 1200 metres then along the ridgeline of the higher peak behind it to around 1
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Angela Hart
May 26, 20198 min read
Chapter 16: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Albunuelas to Niguelas
Nigϋelas is perched on the very edge of a ravine, it looks like some of the houses will fall off one day! And the views had improved with mo
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Angela Hart
May 25, 20199 min read
Chapter 15: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Jayena to Albunuelas
I was so relieved to get onto the trail, it was a mountain edge single-track, and was so fabulous. Mostly downhill, sometimes steep, sometim
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Angela Hart
May 24, 20197 min read
Chapter 14: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Valdeiglesias to Jayena
I crossed the river and sat and ate the rest of my bocadillo and cooled down also taking the opportunity to filter some water. Onwards, and
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Angela Hart
May 22, 20198 min read
Chapter 13: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Villanueve de Cauche to Valdeiglesias
From the hamlet of Villanueva de Cauche the Altravesur had a long ride on a surfaced road, first across agricultural plains with some escarp
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Angela Hart
May 21, 20196 min read
Chapter 12: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Abdalajis to Villanueva de Cauche
At 10pm I was so happy when the wind stopped, completely, not even a breeze, only for it to start again with a vengeance at 11pm. I’m guessi
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Angela Hart
May 16, 201912 min read
Chapter 11: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Ardales to Valle de Abdalajis
There was a fence to my right, the chalky roadway, then an embankment up to vegetation and the mountain to my left. So I could only go forwa
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Angela Hart
May 7, 20193 min read
Chapter 10: Bikepacking the Altravesur-El Burgo to Ardales
Eventually came a fantastic decent for several kilometres, with wonderful mountain views in all directions. I raced down this twisty steep r
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Angela Hart
May 4, 20198 min read
Chapter 9: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Ronda to El Burgo
Pepe is my hero, he ran down and pushed my bike up the last bit of the hill. I all but collapsed at the top, where is girlfriend, Inma and h
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Angela Hart
Apr 16, 201912 min read
Chapter 8: Bikepacking the Altravesur-Ubrique to Ronda
Up high in the town is the start of the route I needed, which turned out to be an old Roman road. The theme was kind of cobbled, but the cob
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